03-18-2016, 07:25 AM
OK, here are the release notes for the new build (version 0.22):
If you've already bought High Frontier, you should be receiving an email shortly reminding you where to download the latest version. If not, please join the fun!
- Various projects that ought to reduce launch or construction costs (e.g. NEA Retrieval) now actually do.
- Background sound effects now change when the atmosphere goes bad; birds will stop chirping, etc.
- Fixed several rendering problems that appeared in the last release: no-water icons not appearing, pink flash when planting trees.
- Tweaked the amount of export revenue a small colony can generate from agriculture.
- Adjusted the frequency and timing of background sound effects, especially right after a large colony is loaded.
- Fixed a bug causing the HEO Settler opportunity to be considered achieved even before settling HEO.
- Fixed a problem causing city residents not to use newly-laid paths until exiting and re-entering the colony.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a colony to be inadvertently copied from one game to another.
- Fixed a problem painting zones near the edges of the map, or at the invisible "wrap-around" point on cylindrical/spherical maps.
- Water shortages now have a variety of effects, including grass and trees turning brown, and reduced building services.
- Added a new warning icon and info panel for the CO2 level in city management mode. This tells you what level of CO2 you should try to maintain, and how big your carbon sources and sinks are.
- Fixed a rendering issue with zones on some Intel/Linux machines.
- Addressed a menu button glitch on some machines.
- Reworked how traffic patterns are computed to avoid problems in cylindrical/spherical habitats, seen as residents walking on water or other places they shouldn't walk.
If you've already bought High Frontier, you should be receiving an email shortly reminding you where to download the latest version. If not, please join the fun!
Joe Strout
Lead Developer, High Frontier