Squawk Mods

A Squawk mod is a High Frontier mod that can generate new messages for the Squawker feed.  These can appear either in the main menu feed, or in colony management mode.

Example 1

This example generates squawks in the main menu feed.  To try this out, save it in a text file named something like "squawktest1.hfmod", and put it in the Mods folder.

// First test of a squawk mod
title: Squawk Test 1
type: squawk
author: {
	name:	Joe Strout
	email:	support@highfrontier.com
	www:	http://HighFrontier.com
context: MainMenu
// Note that MainMenu squawk mods only need one batch of squawks,
// but it must still be formatted as an (unkeyed) collection.
	when: RandomPercent < 50
	squawks: {
		This is a [cool|awesome|nifty|custom] squawk!
		Mods rock!
		[Making|Creating] mods is [crazy|super] fun!
		{ text: Is this [mod|thing] on?; icon: FaceWorried; user: ModMan }

Example 2

This example adds squawks in colony management mode, if the gravity is unusually low.

// Second test of a squawk mod.
// This one squawks in manage mode!
title: Squawk Test 2
type: squawk
author: {
	name:	Joe Strout
	email:	support@highfrontier.com
	www:	http://HighFrontier.com
context: ManageMode

// This batch deals with gravity near zero.
	when: gravity < 0.1
	urgency: 70
	squawks: {
		I'm [flying|floating|soaring]!
		Things go up, and they don't come down!
		What goes up doesn't come down!

// This batch deals with lunar gravity (0.16 or thereabouts).
	when: {
		gravity >= 0.1
		gravity < 0.2
	urgency: 50
	squawks: {
		[This|It] feels [just|exactly] like the Moon!
		{ text: I feel like Neil Armstrong!; icon: FaceLaughing }
		This [place|colony] would be [great|perfect] for training for the Moon.


Squawks in management mode may be dependent on conditions you define via the "when" key, as shown in the second example above.  The "when" value may be either a single condition, or a list of conditions.  Each condition is a variable, an operator, and a value (in that order).

Currently available variables are as follows:

  • gravity: the gravity level where the simulated resident is standing; 1.0 means 1 Earth gravity.
  • random: a pseudorandom number from 0.0 to 1.0
  • randomPercent: a pseudorandom number from 0.0 to 100.0

Available operators are the numeric comparison operators from C-derived languages, i.e. ==, !=, <=, >=, <, and >.

Additional variables could certainly be added — please contact us to let us know what you need!

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